Friday, January 21, 2011

I Asked God

This is a beautiful poem sent to me by my would be friend on Facebook.  If she and I were on Facebook we would be friends.  What I mean is, she and I grew up together in a small town in Oklahoma, called Collinsville.  It seems everyone that went to school together is on Facebook and maybe some day I'll join the throngs.  But, for now she is my best friend from my youth.  We knew each other before we went to kindergarten and went through 12 years of school together.  Marriage and moving for the paycheck has kept up physically apart, but, the internet is good for keeping in touch over the expanse of life.

I Asked God

I asked God to take away my habit.
God said, "No.  It is not for me to take away; but, for you to give it up."

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.
God said, "No.  His spirit is whole; his body is only temporary."

I asked God to grant me patience.
God said, "No. Patience is a byproduct of tribulations; it isn't granted it is earned."

I asked God to give me happiness.
God said, "No. I give you blessings; happiness is up to you."

I asked God to spare me pain.
God said, "No. Suffering draws you apart from world cares and brings you closer to me."

I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life.
God said, "No, I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things."

I asked God to help me LOVE others as much as He loves me.
God said, "Ahhh, finally you have the idea."

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