Building this outlandish display of wealth must be something like the Kardashian wedding today. A ten million dollar wedding today; a mansion built around the turn of the century. It was in the middle of nowhere at the time. It is in a place I think I would like to retire. Near the mountains, a college town, it has everything, but, family.
The fall colors were everywhere. Especially in the park that Olmstead built around the mansion. He considered it his last great project. Thousands of trees were brought in.
Something was planned to be blooming at any time of the year. look at the dragon flies in the mum display.
This is a bald cypress. I must have some cajun in me somewhere, because I love these trees, especially when they have spanish moss growing from them.
This the bass pond. It must be nice to have enough money to make a pond for you to fish and boat around in. eh hem, Charles, I think I'd like to go fish in the pond today, please make it
We drove the Blue Ridge Parkway. It rides across the ridge of mountains. So beautiful.
My sweetie pie. How lucky am I?
I love juxtapositions, new growth out of snow.
What a fun place to work. This is the staff at the restaurant on the highest peak, east of the Mississippi.
We had hoped to fly fish, but, it was just too cold. There was an early cold snap in the area. But, it was still a very nice trip!