The Bloomin' Rose Signature quilt block exchange quilt top, is mostly done. I need to pick out a couple of borders and add some leaves and the top is complete.
Last Christmas, 2006, for a present from our group members, we all made 16 blocks and signed them. With lots of excitement and laughter we sat in a circle and exchanged the colorful blocks with the other members that participated. This was a wonderful way to get a little something from everyone, without spending any money. That time of year we spend so much on our families and we all had fabric, of course, so we made these easy blocks for our exchange. After the exchange, each member was on their own to decide how to put the blocks together in a quilt. I've seen butterflies and flowers and some very creative borders. We will be having our party for the unveiling of the quilt tops in June. I can't wait to see what everyone has done.
I'm sure all you quilters know how important it is to set your seams. First using the cotton setting, and I like to use steam, on the side just sewn
press and then open and press to either side of the seam. Shadowing is a factor-don't press to the light side. Here's my Bloomin' Rose bloomin'.
This makes 2 quilts in the queue almost ready for quilting. I might be sending some quilts out for quilting, if I stay this prolific. Springtime in Kentucky
Double Secret Quilt Productions will unveil that little jewel later on. Does anyone remember that phrase? Double Secret? Where did that come from? I just made the name of that "quilt company" up. I don't have one, just like to quilt for fun. Maybe
Thanks for the comment on my blog. yes I used 2 colors of Cotton embroider 16. But I am not satisfied with the satin stitch.
I have enjoyed looking at your quilts, in my heart I am a quilter too :)
Thanks for the tips on pressing! That is an area I definitely need to take more care with!!!
Ohh, I'm a steamer, too. Just makes me feel like I have everything set to stay where I want it.
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