Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Bloomin' Rose Border

Decisions, decisions, decisions, this a quilter's life. I don't care if it' s a traditional quilt or a contemporary quilt, it's all the same, choices must be made and balance is a key element. For this quilt I've chosen an hourglass border. Since this is a scrap quilt, balancing the color is an important element. Here I've laid out the blocks and am trying to balance the pink, green, beige, etc., that surround the quilt. Besides the balance of color, sewing will be done, in order to make the border fit the quilt. Sometimes you have to ease something in to a quilt, a lot of the time this is necessary for a pieced border. Just like in basic sewing, which is where I know a lot of quilter's begin their obsession with fabric, seams and zippers, etc., must be eased into the project. Easing a border is simply increasing or decreasing a seam in order for the project to fit. I'll demonstrate on a later blog. Happy Quilting!


Joyce said...

It looks great. You have achieved balance. Nice in quilting and Yoga.

Elaine Adair said...

Oh yes, that is so much better than my first suggestion of the gold/blue. This is so cute. We did this quilt at our Guild, with all of us making a block and then cutting them and trading them. Ours was delicious also.

Leigh said...

Your quilt is looking great. I love the borders.

Alison said...

I like what you are doing with the borders.
Nothing like a little fudge here and there to fit a pieced border.

Vicki W said...

That border is just perfect for the quilt!

The Calico Cat said...

I can't wait for the lesson & I like what I see so far!

Libby said...

It's looking great.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Julie, I just fell in love with this quilt ! It's sooo beautiful and sparkling ! And your choice of border is absolutely right ! BRAVO !

Please, Julie, could you tell me where this pattern comes from ? Is is a single pattern, or does it come from a book ? I would sooo much like to make it !

THANKS a million, Julie !


Hugs & smiles !


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