Saturday, January 20, 2007

Quilt Show/Quilt Legacy

The name of this quilt is Through My Secret Purple Garden. I apologize for the blurry pic, I'm going to have to find my's probably under my fabric stash I've amassed and so it's a good thing I'm going through all that fabric-just to unearth all the goodies I might find!

My mom painted this...I love it...we never really spoke to each other much, until I moved away and had children. Now we are as close as my friend Mary's tiny needle turn applique stitches. We never appreciated each other's talent until recently. She doesn't like quilting all that much, but, she likes to knit and I don't, so it's

Ah...the promise of spring

God's promise of spring is evident...the sun and jonquils

Friday, January 19, 2007

You can never learn enough about quilting...

Wow! Today I took a really fun 4 hour class and made a Diamond in the Rough block. The time went by before we new it. The class was offered at Forget Me Knot quilt shoppe, in Louisville , Kentucky. It's a great shop, well lit, with rainbows of color and muddy to brightly designed quilt tops made to excite your already sated obsession, of which we can never seem to get enough.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Best far...

I've made a bunch of quilts and my all time favorite batting is wool batting by Hobbs. Wool is warm and light and like a wool suite, it breathes with you...mmmm warm and cozy...just like settling down on the couch with a cup of hot tea in my most favorite cup.

Want an antique quilt in short order? 100% cotton batting will give you an antique crinkled look to your quilt-if you don't prewash the fabric-I know the Quilt Police will be upset at me for saying that, but, I guess I've been lucky and have not had a bleeding top yet. You put the whole quilt in the wash, after it's completed, with 1/4 cup of Tide, then you put it in a dryer and when it's cooked, you get a quilt that looks quite old fashioned, which is what I like. I'm partial to White Rose by Mountain Mist.

If you are watching your pennies and don't want an instant antique, Hobbs 80/20 is reasonably priced and machine quilts like butter. Not quite as buttery as wool, but, you get what I mean.

There's lots of great batting companies out there, and I'm trying a new one 60/40, made specifically for long/short arm quilt machines. I'll probably not get the antique look, when I wash and dry the quilt.

The more cotton you have in the batting, the more the shrinking/crinkling you get when you wash and dry it.

What's your favorite batting? Anyone know any Quilt Police?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sunny Day

The sun showed itself like an opal's fire today. Glory bee...quilting bee that is.

What an oldfashioned term to embody all that is good about my personal opinion. One of the last tribal things for women to do. Whether it's to work on one quilt together, or just get together to admire and encourage each other's artistic ability. Make no mistake, to quilt is to make art and if you put a label on your quilt, you can make

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

On to the next UnFinsihed Object to complete

Finishing feels soooo good, I'm on to my next project. My niece is having a baby on February 14th and I'm in need of a baby quilt. She wants a camouflage patterned quilt...yuk! I'm having a hard time working with these colors and talk about a challenge, I can't come up with a design. They won't take care of it, so I don't want to put a lot of work in it.

Losing weight is a wonderful phrase to say. A lot of bloggers show us the inside of their houses, so I thought I might show you some of my house. This is my kitchen, where all the opposite of that phrase, losing weight, happens...but, you we gotta do

Monday, January 15, 2007

Grey Days are great for quilting and fairies...

Some people like to see my yard with a view, so this is for

Combo weight loss-diet and UFO

I've conquered the diet demons and UFO unfinishers. So far, although my blog on Sunday has been dropped, I've finished Country at Heart and 2 Comfort blankets, which, according to my scale, accounts for about 6 lbs. Of course, it may also have something to do with running 2 miles 4 times last week. If you don't already have one, invest in a tread mill-it's the only way to go if you have lots of grey days-or get a gym membership. Country at Heart is a wall hanging, 45"X50" and comfort blankets are for our hospital for wheel chair lap quilts or feet quilts-we only sew 3 sides and leave one short side open so people can stick their feet in the quilts.

Date night with my husband

After 26 years, the wooing is over the passion is still there-once or twice a week...hehehe...but we still need to be doing something to pull us away from the computer and Law and Order. So, in an attempt to bring us together, I rented 2 movies, to be watched in our romantic basement, with our big screen

First movie we watched was Fearless, a beautiful, sweeping, foreign language film with lots of action and a great glimpse at the Chinese culture-I think-in the early 1900's. This movie is as close to a man's chick flick as he'll probably ever want to watch with you. Wushu is the mystical, magical push that's great in us all and Jet Li's journey from greatness (having Wushu) to defeat (losing Wushu) and back to greatness (Wushuing again) is the sum of the movie-the plot in a nutshell. He accomplishes this while traveling through beautiful land and fighting all comers to bring honor to the Chinese people. It appears to be a true story.

The plot is the same for Talladega Nights, the Legend of Rickie Bobbie. If your husband is not all that secure, he might be offended. The story opens just like Fearless, boy worships a doomed father and lives to become more of a man than his father. Where the Chinese film uses ancient Chinese Confucius type wisdom, Talladega Nights uses bumper sticker wisdom-"if you're not first you're last". I found myself chuckling off and on during this film, but, over all, they missed an opportunity to make another Blazing Saddles. I hope this film is not a true