For quilters, dreamers and wanderers or anyone that wants to feel simply
Monday, January 15, 2007
Combo weight loss-diet and UFO
I've conquered the diet demons and UFO unfinishers. So far, although my blog on Sunday has been dropped, I've finished Country at Heart and 2 Comfort blankets, which, according to my scale, accounts for about 6 lbs. Of course, it may also have something to do with running 2 miles 4 times last week. If you don't already have one, invest in a tread mill-it's the only way to go if you have lots of grey days-or get a gym membership. Country at Heart is a wall hanging, 45"X50" and comfort blankets are for our hospital for wheel chair lap quilts or feet quilts-we only sew 3 sides and leave one short side open so people can stick their feet in the quilts.
Congratulations on the finish and the weight loss! I miss not being able to run to jump-start dropping the pounds but I am getting more walking in then I have in the past few years. Year to date loss - 1 pound. Fortunately the fabric bashing is going better!