Monday, January 15, 2007

Date night with my husband

After 26 years, the wooing is over the passion is still there-once or twice a week...hehehe...but we still need to be doing something to pull us away from the computer and Law and Order. So, in an attempt to bring us together, I rented 2 movies, to be watched in our romantic basement, with our big screen

First movie we watched was Fearless, a beautiful, sweeping, foreign language film with lots of action and a great glimpse at the Chinese culture-I think-in the early 1900's. This movie is as close to a man's chick flick as he'll probably ever want to watch with you. Wushu is the mystical, magical push that's great in us all and Jet Li's journey from greatness (having Wushu) to defeat (losing Wushu) and back to greatness (Wushuing again) is the sum of the movie-the plot in a nutshell. He accomplishes this while traveling through beautiful land and fighting all comers to bring honor to the Chinese people. It appears to be a true story.

The plot is the same for Talladega Nights, the Legend of Rickie Bobbie. If your husband is not all that secure, he might be offended. The story opens just like Fearless, boy worships a doomed father and lives to become more of a man than his father. Where the Chinese film uses ancient Chinese Confucius type wisdom, Talladega Nights uses bumper sticker wisdom-"if you're not first you're last". I found myself chuckling off and on during this film, but, over all, they missed an opportunity to make another Blazing Saddles. I hope this film is not a true

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