Friday, July 6, 2012

Today I travel from Feasterville, New Jersey to Midtown, Manhattan

This is the beginning. I start to travel into NYC with my husband and my bike. Last night we consolidated our clothes and gear into a semi manageable blue milk crate which holds my transition gear and serves as a chair for changing shoes and easy lift off, and one suitcase. Now I have to remove my Vita Wildcat from the backseat and put the tire on her to make the trek to Manhattan and the athlete hotel, the Hilton. This is a culmination I'd a year long goal. If lost a lot of inches and everyone keeps telling me how good I look. I'm 53 years old and I started training a year ago. I've "competed" in 5 sprint Triathlons, the first in Oldham County and 4 in Shelbyville, Kentucky. Now I'm doing my longest race in NYC. I am so glad I did this. If you want to get in shape and meet some pretty interesting people, start participating in triathlons! There are lots of young people and people that are young at heart. It easy to talk to them, because there is instant conversations all around a sport we enjoy.

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