Friday, December 17, 2010

Finally feels a lot like Christmas around

Wow!  It's been a rough few weeks.  I've been under the weather a bit after returning from family in Oklahoma at Thanksgiving.  Why can't we make a national vote and spread this fabulous holidays out a few months!

Oh well, off my soap box for now.  We got rid of my 7 foot tree and have scaled back to a 4 foot one.  I still have the tree skirt for a big tree and I have an angel for a big tree.  I think I'll keep my tree skirt but, I need a new topper.  Don't you think?

We've also been snowed in here for a while and not even the snow can brighten the grey days of winter.  Oh well, these are great quilting days.  Hmmm...I just realized I'm working on a project that is taupe-grey, what's wrong with this picture?

Actually it's a project that includes embroidery.  The embroidery work "bleeds" onto the quilt blocks.  I've said it before, if you to want to renew your interest in quilting or any hobby, go back to what excited you when you first began.  I began my obsession while living in Houston from 1985 to 1996.  There of course is the Houston Quilt Festival where there are so many teachers available to the quilter.  I took a lot of classes.  As a child I was an embroiderer, so crazy quilting was what really lit my fire.  So, going back to it, even on a grey quilt project during the grey winter days lifts my spirits.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way the embroidery extends into the patchwork! Beautiful! I like your tree topper with the greenery and beads adorning the angel.
