Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Foot Pedal Tip for Pfaff's

Tired of your sewing machine foot pedal scooting all around?  Try turning it upside down.  The ball of your foot rests on the action part of the pedal and you have much more control of the pressure.

All foot pedals are different, so your's might not work like this.  But, if you own a Pfaff, I have 2 machines, they both have the same foot pedal and it's upside down and pedal to the metal, or you know what I mean...smile.

Yes, those are scraps from my Tennessee Waltz quilt I'm neck deep into and almost finished with the top.  So that means until I'm finished with a quilt, an organized mess is par for the course while I'm working on a quilt for a deadline.

Happy Quilting!

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