Sunday, November 8, 2009

Part II-Life in Kentucky, Round Robins- UFO list at long last my longest post, over

So we moved to Crestwood, Kentucky in 1996. After floundering around looking for a new quilt group, the time looked ready to start another one. So, meeting at the County Home Extension office in Oldham County, myself and a handful of other ladies began a new quilt group, Log Cabin Quilters. This is now a very large quilt group, but, at the time, I felt like I needed to start another one at our church, Northeast Christian Church. So, in June of 2000, I went to our, then Women's Ministry Leader, Laura and said Laura, we need a quilt group and she said okay Julie you're it! This was the beginning of Northeast Quilting Friends quilt group. So, long story short, we now have 20 members on our roster, but, weekly anywhere from 10 to 15 come regularly. If all 20 came every week, it would be impossible to meet where we do.

Anyway, in the beginning we did some round robins and these are the results of those round robins. The first one dates back to 2004. The members that wanted to participate, started out with a block for the beginning of the passed around inspiration. I've always liked to embroider and this was my homage to Aunt Martha, you know the inexpensive iron on transfers that have been around for 70 years or more.

This is a Sunday design. I enlarged it and made it an applique pattern. I've included the original iron on to embroider when I put it together. I'm so glad to have this blog. I'm famous for hiding things from myself, and I haven't been able to locate this box that contains these blocks for quite some time and now I have pictures and proof of where it is!! Yes, it's in this closet, on this

After that UFO, on my shelf, we have the Lemons to Lemonade Round Robin, in which, you guessed it, ugly fabric exchange for RR inspiration. I had some hideous bird feed material and the ladies came up with these lovely blocks.

My last RR UFO is an embroidered heart block exchange. I can't wait to finish this one as it has some very uplifing messages from my quilt group.

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