Sunday, February 15, 2009

Quilter's Day Out House Block Challenge

All quilters in America should know that we have a national day, recognized in the quilting community as Quilter's Day Out. We always hold a "Gathering of the Guilds", where we get to meet old friends and make some new ones, while we enjoy the hobby we love.  The day for Louisville, is the 3rd Saturday of March, this year being March 21st.  I'm not sure if that's the National day or not, but, that's when we all come together.  This year we are having a quilt challenge-Home.  So it's anything to do with a house quilt or whatever home means to you.  This is my block, so far.  It's from the Rosebud Lane quilt blocks.  The pattern asks you to buy their panel for the quilt and quilt show signs on it, but, I couldn't find the panel at any stores, so I'm embroidering them myself, using silk ribbon and silk thread button hole twist thread from YLI.  If you haven't tried it and you like to crazy quilt, you might treat yourself.  
Northeast Quilting Friends, the guild I belong to, is choosing not to participate.  In the past, we have taken on some pretty big jobs, and I guess we needed a break.  Don't we all from time to time.  A sabbatical sounds like a nice word to call it...maybe next


  1. I love your house, with the stripe on the lower walls and the gorgeous stitched flowers. That's adorable!

  2. I hope this year my local shop will celebrate *s* Love your embroidery.
