Thursday, February 26, 2009

Auditioning Fabrics and Jennifer's Art Showp

This is my house block and my light, medium and dark fabrics I've chosen for the outer border.  Thisi is called auditioning fabrics.  A digital camera really helps when you have to make the choices.  Another method I like to use is looking at the quilt in a mirror.  It allows a better perspective for auditioning.  You can also look through the wrong lens of a pair of binoculars.  

Lest you think it a little boring, I intend to embroider "Finish, Finish, Finish, What you Start, A Quilters Dream at Heart".  Or something like that.  The blank rectangle to the left of the house is going to be embroidered, "Quilt Show Today".  And then there needs to be a bar embroidered about the quilt in the middle of the top of the house.  I'll probably put a few flowers in the blank window boxes.  This will be my entry into the "Home" quilt challenge that our Quilters Day Out 2009 quilt has thrown the gauntlet down to us.  

Jennifer went through a pretty awful time of chemo and through it all I took a bunch of pictures, that she then took and used photoshop, pastel pencils, and paints, and different things to make her feel more in control and creative about the situation.  The result was the art therapist at Kosair, liked what she was doing so much, the hospital is sponsoring her art show, spending thousands of dollars printing and framing 80 of these photos/art works.  

This is the postcard advertising her show.  She also has invitations printed for a private cocktail party prior to the opening night of the art show, which will run through April 30.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow, how wonderful for Jennifer! The picture you show is really incredible. I'm glad she has found such a good way to deal with that awful year, and I'm sure the exhibit will affect many people.
