Monday, December 1, 2008

It's Binding Time Again, then Quilt Label and We're Done!

Evelyn is our 8o something member that started Northeast Quilting Friends with me in June of 2000.  Our church didn't have a quilt guild.  I had recently moved to Louisville, Kentucky from Houston, Texas in 1996.  Having searched the area for a quilt guild and finding few, mostly with meeting times that didn't work or my personality just didn't fit with the established members, I took it upon myself to ask our Women's Ministry Leader, at Northeast Christian Church,  if we could start a quilt group.  "Laura, the church needs a quilt group", I naively said.  "Okay Julie, but, you'll have to lead it" she says seeing SUCKER written all over my forehead.  Off I went with much gusto and enthusiasm for forming a new group, looking forward to the eager school of guppies I just knew would show up for our "new quilt group forming" meeting.  Waiting, anticipating in a nice room off the children's wing, who should round the corner but the lovely Evelyn Howell, a skilled quilter and happy eager participant, of which it was just she and I at that fateful night.  It's funny how, you can almost always throw away a new activity and time and persistence will win quilters over.  Being the conservative group they are, they are rarely the first ones to the party.  Eight years later, thanks to Evelyn's attitude and support, our group has grown to 20 regulars, every Tuesday from 10 to 1:00, with lunch spent together as well.  This year our group has experienced some major health issues, but, God is good and walks us through and shows us our path is never alone.  And if you can find a group of ladies that can help lift you up, it's always a good thing.  Thanks to Joan, we've come up with this quilt, which I finished quilting last night and will do the binding today.  We are having our Christmas party next week and hope to deliver it to Evelyn who was admitted to the hospital with a blood clot on her brain, but, is rehabbing and learning to walk again.  

Evelyn likes butterflies so I quilted them into the border and did some stippling around the blocks and a narrow feather in the inner border.  

A quilt label is next, listing as much information as I can, because there is nothing sadder than a quilt found in a flea market without a label and no one knows it's story and all quilts have beautiful ones to share.  


  1. Another beautiful quilt! It's so great of you to start the quilting group!

    We have a quilting group in Harrodsburg, but I've never attended. You've inspired me to find out more about this group and join up. Thanks!

  2. Beautiful quilt! I'm sure that with a comfort like that your friend will continue to improve...

  3. How wonderful that Evelyn gets a quilt from the group! I think quilters really appreciate them, and it sounds like she's been a mainstay of your church guild.

  4. Such a wonderful quilt to help your friend on the road to recovery *s*
