Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Jennifer's Meltdown and lovely fall

Just whewe thought it was over, back we went to the hospital for 2 units of blood.  Some of you might know what having an ANC of zero means and hemoglobin of 6.7, which is why blood was required.  My oh my, this never ends.  I struggle with complaining, because my daughter is the one going through the drama, not me and I feel I have no right.  Nope, parents are along for the agonizing ride with nothing to do but clean up vomit and turn off the alarms on the chemo and blood machines, because they are "nearing the end of infusion."  I do dream of a boring life once again, that is not an insult at all.  Where the phone rings all the time and both babies are home and safe and I have nothing more to worry about than keeping them off my computer because they like my monitor to see their friends on Facebook.   

On a happier note, it is fall and this is thvieout my back door; out my kitchen window.  This is our back yard where even fairies wonder what the heck went wrong?  

It's not all bad, I did get in some really nice retail therapy.  I attempted the 50% off sale at Baer Fabrics.  This was a fabric store that was a Louisville institution for a long, long time, but, could not survive the sad economy.  Alas, I did not bring my camera inside to take a picture of the 2 hour long wait to get checked out.  For me, some buttons just weren't worth the wait.  

So on I drove to Happy Heart Quilt shop which is way, way over on the other side of town from me.  But, like visiting an old friend, I was greeted with Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz fabric and many other panels and quilts hung all around the room.  There was one quilt that was made and hung, The Rosebud Lane Quilt.  It's been out for a while and I've tried to buy the complete set of 6 block patterns and the assembling the quilt pattern, but, have had no luck in getting them altogether, until yesterday.  I took it as a sign and knew I must make that quilt.  What is it with women and fabric...we must have....arrrggghhh!  


  1. Oh my. Watching your child suffer quietly has to be the worst thing a mother can ever see. Jennifer obviously got her strength from you. You are both in my prayers for continued peace and determination.
    Super shopping!

  2. I'm so glad to hear that you had the chance to employ some retail therapy. I keep you in my thoughts *s*

  3. So sorry to hear of this setback for Jennifer. Your pictures of fall foliage are so pretty. That will be a beautiful quilt with the fabrics you purchased.

  4. Prayers are going out for both of you. Fabric fumes are healing for the soul...I'm glad you've had a chance to smell some!

  5. During a rough spot my Mom would always tell me "chin up" - I see that Jennifer sleeps with her chin up! That has to be a good thing. Hang in there.
