Monday, October 27, 2008

Columbus Crew Soccer-Europe has nothing on USA!

It finally happened, I went to my first professional American Soccer game.  

On a bright sunny fall day, we headed down I-71 to Columbus, Ohio.  It's about a 3 hour drive from Louisville, but, I would do it again in a heartbeat!  It was soooo much fun!  It really is the beautiful game.  And Americans have all that Europe has in the soccer world, but, maybe just not quite as 

 We haven't grown up with it all our lives, like Europe has.  We are growing up with it, somewhat, but not to the extent that the rest of the world has, but, someday, the World Cup will be   

For years, Louisville, Kentucky, has talked about having a professional team.  I predict, if Louisville would wake up and have some vision, ahem-SEE THE FUTURE FOR ONCE-and invest in a professional soccer team, they would have as popular a community rallying activity as there ever could be.  

Anyway, we had to stop by my husband'favorite restaurant, Pappadeaux's, in Cincinnati, Ohio.  That base covered, off we went.  
Driving up to the Columbus Crew stadium was quite exciting and the wind was strong, but, it only gusted a bit during the game.  It might have some effect in the end though.  

Soccer fans are the best.  The teams playing were DC United and theColumbus Crew.  The fans for DUnited are well known in the soccer world for being some of the best and most loyal in the game.  Not to be outdone, the Crew had their own share of rabid fans and there was a bit of bad mouthing to begin the game.  I don't the European fans would have stood for this, but, Americans showed restraint and the yelling and drumming back and forth was a bit of a rally for the fans in the stadium.  This is a brave soul, she didn't get the memo where to sit. 

 The Columbus Crew doesn't need David Beckham to put bums in the seats here!

We had really good seats and the weren't that much, about $25.00 per seat.  Now if there is anyone from Louisville reading this, please know that the money is made at the concession stand-$9.00 for a beer.  There were box seats that were full also, so there is ample opportunity for developing a money making venture.  

The game was really exciting and I thought DC was going to win because they had the ball at their end, at least during the first half, a lot.  But, in the end, it was the Columbus Crew that won the game, 1 to 0.  Brad Evans made the score toward the end of the game.  It was worth the wait.  

We have a queen, just like Europe...sort of.  But, Americans like their cheerleaders and tailgating.  I wonder if they have those in Europe?  We have our share of divers and who's to stay they did or didn't?

You would think a town like Washington DC could afford to buy the best players in the land, but, like Manchester City, in Europe, it's not always the most money to spread around that makes a soccer team win.  


  1. Love the commentary.
    There seemed a good crowd there. Probably nothing like the 30-40,000 a Premier League match gets but it'll get there. Mind you the prices will go up then

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  2. I love Pappadeaux's in Cincy! Yummy! Sorry, but I don't know much about soccer.
