Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The proverbial Fox in the Hen House...

We are supposed to be at the hospital before 9:00am. My DD wants to be awoken 3 HOURS BEFORE!!! to give her plenty of time...ahem....

DD it's 6:00am...DD it's 7:00am...DD it's 8 oclock. NOW MOTHER I NEED MY BACKPACK...WHERE'S MY PURSE...I'M NOT IN A GOOD MOOD I DON'T WANT TO GO, I'M CALLING TO CANCEl...okay, fine...get the picture. feathers flying everywhere, fox 1, us chickens...not much to cluck about...

But, by golly in the end, all it took was one devoted nurse practioner at Kosair that just knows the right things to say to my DD and we are here. Purse left at home, husband takes extra long lunch from his job downtown to house in the country to retrieve said purse. I'd like to say forgiveness and hilarity ensuse, but nope, cluck cluck.....

Only 7 more weeks....smile.


  1. Sounds like your family is as normal as everyone else's!!!

    Wanted to let you know I put a link to your Green Topper instructions in a recent post. Thanks for sharing that.

  2. *deep breaths*
    Glad it all worked out in the end even if it was a little frazzling to start.
