Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Whoopty Doo, it's a Bloomin' Rose Quilt Party

Yep, we had it, the unveiling of the Bloomin' Rose Sigi block exchange. Last December for a present we gave to each one that wanted to participate, a quilt block with our signature on it. There were 16 that made and signed the blocks, well, mostly. We had some catching up to do today with the signatures, but, we got it done. We were to have 6 months to do something with them, or not. So it's June, that means party and Show and Tell. Show and Tell is the same as it was when you were in grade school. Since quilters are all children at heart and we never did grow up, we have Show and Tell.

Here is our lovely group of talented gals with their quilts they made:

Shirley our most wonderful Southern Bell Hostess

This is Carol one of our newer quilters that continues to amaze

This is Sherrill's quilt.

Evelyn is the Queen Bee of the guild.

Cici used the leaves to create a secondary element to the quilt.

Ginny used some fabric that had been on her shelf for the longest.

Joan is a master quilter and was the first to finish her quilt.

Yours truly
Deloris's lovely quilt

Dot's soft and lovely quilt, if you click on the picture you can see the unique sashing she did.

Mary's quilt, if a prize was awarded, she would have won.

Ruth's was the most planned to show off the signatures.
All the signatures on the 4 roses were surrounded by butterflies.

It's always amazing to me how all these gals started out with the same blocks and all the finished quilts looked so different. Flowers on point or in square blocks; butterflies added, appliqued or pieced borders really brought out the colors of the quilt.

That's the beauty of quilting and the art in it. Our chance to be creative with a practical craft that we and our family can
enjoy for years. We had the worlds best cake to eat and even the flowers wanted some. Good Food; Good Friends; Good Times...smile

Monday, June 25, 2007

Tagged I'm it...

I've seen these tags everywhere and as of yet have not been asked to list my seven most random things about me. Until now, I've been tagged by the the lovely Diva of Quilts. Randomness is really something I like, uniqueness, oddities and all things original are my favorite things in life. Here are some specific random things about me...hmmm...that may be an oxymoron, one of my favorite things.

1. I like juxtapositions: words or titles that conflict, such as Waxfang, a band I'm liking a bit these days.

2. I like to understand people, but, I tend to "wear" their problems and it scares me.

3. I like to stay busy, quilting or volunteering with NPR or my church.

4. I love swamps and cypress trees with moss hanging from them. My favorite is the Corkscrew Swamp in Florida.

5. I cry sometimes, when I see young people being brave and getting up to sing on stage. I think how hard that must be to overcome that initial fear, not knowing if it's an appreciating audience or not or if they'll be good or not.

6. I like visual texture. Artwork that you look at once and see something, look at it again and you see something completely different.

7. Bats are the coolest animals because they have radar or sonar or something that allows them to fly so fast without bumping into each other and they eat mosquitoes.

Well, there it is, my weird random little known and less cared about facts about me.

So now I must tag 7 other bloggers for 7 random facts about them.

1. Yankee Quilter
2. Firefly Needles and Threads
3. Confessions of a Mad Quilter
4. Friendship Threads
5. As The Needle Bends
6. Creative Little Daisy
7. Pieces of Time

These are wonderful inspiring blogs that I have listed to the right. All these blogs are about life and quilting and other things to enjoy.

Make it a Great Day!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bloomin' Rose Complete

Quilting is daunting sometimes. I suppose that's why we have so many UFO's. Our eyes are bigger than our stomach-or so goes the old saying about filling your buffet plate too heavily for you to eat when you were a kid.

So it goes for our creative mind's eye with projects for quilting. We see so many possibilities and being an instant gratification kinda gal, I'm the first to admit to mumble, mumble projects in the closet in boxes, ready to pick up for completion...some day. You know, they don't go bad on the shelf!...smile. Anyway-this Bloomin' Rose quilt is a great easy project to finish-no matchy matchy-no perfection-just easy fun quilting making at it's best. And also best is the signature project-that being a block exchange with friends in my quilt group, Northeast Quilting Friends. Now we all have a reminder of the laughter and all things quilters share with the signature of our quilting friends.

My new favorite thread for hand stitching is Essential from Connecting Threads. One of the gals in our group, Mary, discovered this website and purchased this very inexpensive thread for our members that wanted to split the mailing cost, I think each spool of 1200 yards, size 50 was only 1.25. Boy was I surprised when I grabbed the closest color to my binding (not the one pictured, I used that to show the label). In the past I've used a thread conditioner, called Thread Heaven, to keep my thread from twis
ting and knotting when hand stitching. This thread did not need it. It came off the spool beautifully and did not knot! I'm sure it's made more for the machine, but, upon my quick need to match thread to binding, as I'm under the deadline for our party on Tuesday this is a superb discovery, thanks Mary!

Quick movie review-
The Good German-don't bother I finished the binding while I was watching The Good German-don't waist your time, unless you really like the film Noir genre, which I am a big fan of, also George Clooney and Kate Blanchet and Toby Macguire-it should have been great....alas...

Quick CD review: Instant Karma-relief for Darfur-Check it out!

On to all things quilting...smile.
This is what it takes to finish a quilt: Essential Thread from Connecting Threads; Archival quality pen to make your label; the label itself.

Make it a great day!