Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Whoopty Doo, it's a Bloomin' Rose Quilt Party

Yep, we had it, the unveiling of the Bloomin' Rose Sigi block exchange. Last December for a present we gave to each one that wanted to participate, a quilt block with our signature on it. There were 16 that made and signed the blocks, well, mostly. We had some catching up to do today with the signatures, but, we got it done. We were to have 6 months to do something with them, or not. So it's June, that means party and Show and Tell. Show and Tell is the same as it was when you were in grade school. Since quilters are all children at heart and we never did grow up, we have Show and Tell.

Here is our lovely group of talented gals with their quilts they made:

Shirley our most wonderful Southern Bell Hostess

This is Carol one of our newer quilters that continues to amaze

This is Sherrill's quilt.

Evelyn is the Queen Bee of the guild.

Cici used the leaves to create a secondary element to the quilt.

Ginny used some fabric that had been on her shelf for the longest.

Joan is a master quilter and was the first to finish her quilt.

Yours truly
Deloris's lovely quilt

Dot's soft and lovely quilt, if you click on the picture you can see the unique sashing she did.

Mary's quilt, if a prize was awarded, she would have won.

Ruth's was the most planned to show off the signatures.
All the signatures on the 4 roses were surrounded by butterflies.

It's always amazing to me how all these gals started out with the same blocks and all the finished quilts looked so different. Flowers on point or in square blocks; butterflies added, appliqued or pieced borders really brought out the colors of the quilt.

That's the beauty of quilting and the art in it. Our chance to be creative with a practical craft that we and our family can
enjoy for years. We had the worlds best cake to eat and even the flowers wanted some. Good Food; Good Friends; Good Times...smile


  1. That's darned cool! Those are all great quilts!

  2. bloomin quilts I love them all

  3. Now that's a wonderful quilty show 'n tell! All beautiful!

  4. What a great quilt show and tell. Finishing a quilt is an awesome feeling, but to be able to share it within a group that way...gives ya goosebumps! You are certainly in good company!

  5. THANKS for showing, Julie ! All quilts are stunning, beautiful, and soooo inspiational ! I'll often come back, when I start mine !

    Hugs & smiles,

  6. What a fantastic collection of quilts - thanks for sharing. I, too, am constantly amazed how quilters can use the same pattern and completely change the look :)

  7. Wow - now that's a flower show *s*

  8. They look great, aclose up of the original block would be great as I can't quite get it, Tracey

  9. So much fun...thanks for this post. What a great stairway/landing to showcase quilts from!
