Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Lavender's quilt shop and more...

Once again our quilt group, Northeast Quilting Friends, is traveling to interesting places for the enrichment of our hobby. That enrichment includes, this time, a 300 mile round trip. While we are not usually a long distance traveling group, we do, once a year, make this annual trek and have done so for the last 3 years. So if you or your group are looking for a wonderful time to share together, here is our prescription for what ales some quilters-that being not enough laughter and not enough fabric...er, I think I'm not lacking either of those, but, never can get enough of a good thing!
Itinerary for a quilting good time:
9:00 Leave Northeast Christian Church parking lot

10:30 to 11:00 Arrive: Wilderness Road Quilt Company This is a first class quilt shop with a Bernina dealership. They have the latest and greatest of new fabric and notions, as well as yarn.

12:00 Leave: Wilderness Road for Bread of Life restaurant

12:30 to 1:00 Arrive: Bread of Life restaurant. This is a regular country food restaurant to benefits the local community with a buffet and menu and oh yes, shopping.

2:00 Leave: Bread of Life for Lavender's quilt shop

2:30 Arrive: Lavender's quilt shop-this is a cash/checks only establishment-keep those credit cards in your purse. This year every yard of fabric in the shop is $2.75, during the month of June.

3:30 Leave: Lavender's for Quilt King Products

4:00 Arrive: Quilt King Products This store is an interesting mix of farm clothing/accessories and very inexpensive fabric and batting as well as notions, very unique and fun.

5:00 Leave: Quilt King Products for Louisville

6:30 Arrive: at church (home)

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