Friday, February 9, 2007

It's not embarassing anymore...

Whew! Busy, busy, busy, little bee I've been.
ng, cleaning, sewing, sewing, I've done...
Yoda talk...s

What fun these two acts are if you are in the mood for doing them, and boy I have been. Well, you know the weather is miserable, baby it's cold

outside, so there's nothing better to do than sew, but, the mess was finally more than I could stand.

So, in order to enjoy my sewing more, I had to clean up my sewing room. There is nothing like posting your mess on the Internet, to have people keep reminding you to do something about it.

Oh, Julie I saw your sewing room...why did I do that???? Ah well, it got me busy and after I completed my cool tote bag, I was enthused to clean. Not a lot of purging, I'm still a pack rat. Is that a quilter thing? I think it may be, but, you know we will put that fabric in a quilt or use that pattern/book...someday...won't we? YES!


  1. Hi Julie!

    I'm enjoying looking at your beautiful quilts... even you "posting your mess" on the internet! I did that too... in hopes I'd clean up my sewing room after outing my mess. So far it's working for me!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. Love the wall hanging, and tote bag! Great job!!

  3. I enjoyed your last post so much, I'm copying it and reading it to our planning committee for Quilter's Day Out. I hope you don't mind. We are trying to think up a blogging demonstration for the day. I thought your article might be just the thing, to get the whole committee to understand what this blog thing is all about.

  4. Ingenious bag! Gotta love a piecing pattern that looks harder than it is :)

  5. Hi Julie, saw you on Zombie.. just had to check it out. Good luck with the clean up! You have some really great quilts!
