Sunday, January 7, 2007

Hi Ho Hi Ho it's off to dieting we go...

Hello fellow dreamers and wanderers to all things musical and grandly creative....well, let's hope so! Yes, I'm having another grey Ohio Valley day. This does, however, create an opportunity to work diligently on my diet and UFOS. The real battle lies in trying to keep from hearing the frozen chocolate chip cookies in my freezer scream my name. "Julie, come bake me-you know you want to...just imagine our smell...and the gooieness...yummmmm...." STOP!! get out of my mind!! I'm strong, sort of. I did eat 2 yesterday, but, I ran on the treadmill for 2 miles which probably worked off about half of their worth, calorie wise. At least I'm still thinking about it and trying. Oh Biggest Loser, come save me!!

I did not want to put pics in all the posts. I'm holding out until I finish my latest project-the Country At Heart quilt. Does everyone sell
everything they have on blogs? I don't really want to sell mine. There's too much work in it and right now at least, I don't need the money that bad. I want to enjoy it myself and maybe someday my girls will appreciate it and want to keep something I made. They do, sometimes, want what I make. Oh well, I put their names on the label, whichever daughter I can see enjoying that particular quilt the most.

This is the time you should be looking to enter a quilt in a quilt show. I hope all of you are entering quilt shows with your quilts. Winning is nice, but, don't expect to win. Who knows, you may inspire a future Alex Anderson, or Kaye Woods, or for you contemporaries out there-Nancy Crow. You know what I mean, don't hold back, be inspirational. It's a wonderful way to be. Not that I am all that much, but, I do like helping people learn to quilt. It's the best hobby, you can leave a warm legacy for your friends or family.


  1. I hear the cookies calling as well.

  2. Glad to know there's others out there hearing the same voices...not all that
