Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hot Rods, Music, Movie and Quilting

My oh my this has been a great last few days of summer. We seem to go in spurts with our activities and working on the homestead. Right now we are in an activities/fun time of our lives. First off I'd like to recommend the movie Julie and Julia. Meryl Streep is the actors actor. She really was brilliant as Julia Child. There could have been a whole movie made about her, but, Amy Adams was good also as Julie Powel. She made a movie after writing a blog about making all the recipes in Julia's cook book, Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Share a large bag of popcorn with someone and go see this movie. My sweet husband went with me because I think he knew how much I wanted to go so much. But, believe me, it's a Chick Flick, as if you couldn't guess that
Next up, was the Street Rod/Hot Rod National Show at the fair grounds here in Louisville. They've been having this event in town for the past many years, but, I think it's about to end and move to Nashville. If it's still here next year, you better get over and see it as it will be moving. We've never gone because it's so hot. That was certainly the case this time, but, thank goodness we came with an umbrella. Why don't they have this event in the fall or spring? When it's a little cooler. There was also the big show in the fair grounds buildings. But, it was a treat to walk up and down the isles of thousands of hot rods. I even ran across a car I learned to drive in, a 1950 Ford pickup. The one I learned to drive with was not this nice. It was a real truck that my dad liked to drive everywhere. Mine used to have a big black wooden box on the bed and when we were little kids we would ride in the back and people would tease us as we would watch them out the back. One fellow took out his false teeth while driving and we were so grossed out. Their whole car would laugh and he'd do it again, gross out, laugh and

By the way, a street rod hobby is the male equivalent of quilting. You have mainly a senior/retiree type of hobby and big "show off" events. Both are certainly hobbies for people with some handy cash. And most of all we look like them, a little heavier with grey hair and pony tails. that's an event to bring the men and women together-quilt show/street rod show. That convention center could hold all those people attending-where ever it may be.
Our local radio station, WFPK likes to help bring unusual music to Louisville. I guess it's not that unusual, just maybe a little different from the ever popular classic '60's and '70's rock stations that abound. The concert Jennifer and I went to was the Decemberists.A folk opera was the style I'd call it, with two girls from another group that seemed to be the next Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart fame. So much were they similar, that the group sang Crazy on You and brought the house down. It was great. The quirky lead singer had a voice that was similar to old british folk singing women and they all complimented each other very well. The greatest part of the evening, for me, was discovering a new group, Blind Pilot. This group has a multi layered sound using trumpet and xylophone and a girl banjo player. It was kind of funny how the lead singer of the Decemberists told us we were "too nice". I've heard that before about our local music appreciating audiences. I don't know how any person or group of people can be "too nice". What a better place it would be if everyone was that way. So, I guess I'll continue appreciative and too nice for my own good, as he said. Who knows, maybe it will catch on-to the rest of the world.
Last but certainly not least, my favorite little quilt group, Northeast Quilting Friends, went to one of our favorite LQSs, Craft Town. Before we left Mary gave back of trunk instructions to us all as we are planning to sew a french braid quilt together in one of our upcoming classes.