Monday, October 15, 2007

It's back to NYC for

Well, finally, we are going to NYC in decent weather. So far we went in record high heat of the summer and record low cold of the winter and now I'm in hopes of going in October to enjoy a few walking tours of Brooklyn. It's off the beaten path for me, but, not too far, cause you know there's some weirdos there.

I'm taking my trusty old camera which is way out dated by now and probably 1/3 the price I paid for it 2 years ago, but, it's totally indestructible. I think I've dropped it at least 5 times, on cement and it's still clicking away with nothing broken. So, no fancy smancy SLR that ways a ton and no doubt takes much better pictures than mine. I think I'll save the 1000 bucks and buy some fabric and make beautiful quilts that are in demand. Of course that's free demand-dare we ask a price that China products have so undercut our beautiful value of really great fabric in quilts.

I'm rambling on. That's what blogs are best for, getting things out, I suppose. A cub reporter not quite ready for the Daily Planet, but, you know it's somewhere deep in us.

Ah well, we are leaving on Tuesday and will be gone until Sunday, when, we will be picking my mom up from the airport the same day. We live about a 14 hour drive from our original home in Collinsville, Oklahoma and so we don't get to see relatives often. My folks have moved from there to Oologah, Oklahoma, which is not far from C'ville.

Anyway, we are planning to visit old historic homes in the area, of which Louisville, Ky abounds. Also, Abraham Lincoln's boyhood home is not far and there's lots of little day trips and maybe even a visit to the French Lick Casino, cause my mom really likes to play Keno-whatever that is. Me, not much of a casino person. At one time, I liked tried playing craps and it was fun, but only when you win and the casinos don't look like they do because they win.

I've got to go clean house. There's nothing like having company over to make me want to clean know pretend it looks that neat all the